"The best lawyer in the world does you no good if you can't reach him when you need to. Emergencies don't have a 9 to 5 schedule."
We are the Oldest and Most Experienced Law Firm in the Mount Washington Valley! We concentrate on trial work such as:
~ DWI & Criminal Defense
~ Divorce, Child Custody, & Post Divorce
~ Law Suits, Probate & Simple Wills
~ Personal Injury & Worker's Compensation
However, we do have a referral network for other types of cases, so start with us and we'll head you in the right direction!
We are the only law firm in the Valley that limits our practice to individual people - as opposed to institutions. Some of the other firms represent Banks, Large Developers, Towns and the Government. Of course Banks and the Government are entitled to lawyers, but we feel that there should be one law firm in the Valley that concentrates on people problems, eliminating conflicts with your Bank or the Town. After all, if you have a disagreement with your bank and your lawyer represents you both, you don't want to have to find another lawyer.
In keeping with our mission, we realize that legal problems don't end at 5:00 pm. We are available to our clients - we open at 7:00 am and close at 5:00 pm, but clients can call us at home in emergencies. We also meet with clients in the evenings and on weekends. Attorney Ekberg's home number is 603-733-5303.